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NCLEX-PN SATA Practice Test 2

Based on the same categories that are included on the official exam provided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
Ensuring the accuracy and quality of our practice materials is paramount. Learn more about our rigorous standards in our Commitment to Accuracy article.
Questions: 31
Mistakes allowed: 8
Pass mark: 75%
Official NCLEX-PN Exam: What to Expect
How many questions:75-145
Exam length:4 hours
Scoring format:Computer Adaptive
Exam typePass/Fail
On your NCLEX-PN® exam you will mostly get multiple-choice, four-option, text-based questions. However, you’ll also get a number of SATA (“select all that apply”, or “multiple response”) questions where you’ll be required to select all answer choices that apply. You must get all options correct (even if you miss one, it is considered wrong; there’s no partial credit). You may get around 10-15 SATA questions in total, but that will depend on how you’re answering your NCLEX questions. The majority of your NCLEX® exam is still going to be single-option multiple-choice questions. Here are a few strategies to help you master the SATA questions. The key thing to remember about SATA questions is to think of them as being four separate and distinct true/false questions. In other words, look at each answer option as a separate true/false statement. If the question is asking for a true answer, then match your true statements to the question. If the question is asking for a false statement, then match your identified false statements to the question.

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