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Pediatric Test 6

Based on the same categories that are included on the official exam provided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
Ensuring the accuracy and quality of our practice materials is paramount. Learn more about our rigorous standards in our Commitment to Accuracy article.
Questions: 25
Mistakes allowed: 6
Pass mark: 75%
Official NCLEX-RN Exam: What to Expect
How many questions:75-145
Exam length:5 hours
Scoring format:Computer Adaptive
Exam typePass/Fail
This practice test will give you a good idea of what it will feel like to take the actual NCLEX-RN examination. The test is designed to stretch you outside of your comfort zone. The questions will be about diseases, treatments, and complications of pediatric patients. You will need to know how to decompose and analyze treatments to find all the necessary information your physician is looking for. You will also need to understand how to access information and present changes to the doctor. The information may seem very complex, but once you know the types of treatments you will be asked about, you will understand what information you need to find and present to the doctor. It will be necessary to advocate for your patient, which will involve answering back to the doctor why your treatment is the best option.
5 out of 5 • 2 votes.

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