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NCLEX-RN Safety & Infection Control Practice Test

Based on the same categories that are included on the official exam provided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
Ensuring the accuracy and quality of our practice materials is paramount. Learn more about our rigorous standards in our Commitment to Accuracy article.
Questions: 50
Mistakes allowed: 12
Pass mark: 75%
Official NCLEX-RN Exam: What to Expect
How many questions:75-145
Exam length:5 hours
Scoring format:Computer Adaptive
Exam typePass/Fail
Welcome to the first practice test on Safety and Infection Control. This is an important subcategory of the Safe and Effective Care Environment; the official description states, “…the nurse protects clients and health care personnel from health and environmental hazards.” About 12% of NCLEX questions will cover the topics in this category; the range is 9-15%. As a new nurse, you are expected to have an understanding of your responsibility in identifying and preventing potential safety hazards and transmission of pathogens. The responsibility extends beyond the clients to yourself and your colleagues. This practice test will include questions about identifying risks for falls, nurse actions in disaster situations, needlesticks, isolation protocols, and clarifying health care provider (HCP) medication orders. Begin this test at any time. If you leave any test before it’s finished, it will remind you where you are when you return. Read each question carefully and try to think of the answer. If you need help, click on the Hint button that’s under the fourth option to get a sentence that serves as a reminder. If you select the correct response, you’ll automatically advance to the next question. If you make a mistake, an explanation will immediately pop up to provide the rationale for the correct answer. Each time you take a practice test, the questions and options are shuffled into a different random order. These are two proven techniques that reinforce your learning.
4.24 out of 5 • 37 votes.

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