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Pharmacological & Parenteral Therapies Practice Test for Nurses

Based on the same categories that are included on the official exam provided by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
Ensuring the accuracy and quality of our practice materials is paramount. Learn more about our rigorous standards in our Commitment to Accuracy article.
Questions: 20
Mistakes allowed: 5
Pass mark: 75%
Official NCLEX-RN Exam: What to Expect
How many questions:75-145
Exam length:5 hours
Scoring format:Computer Adaptive
Exam typePass/Fail

Welcome to the NCLEX-RN Practice Test for Pharmacological & Parenteral Therapies. As you prepare for your NCLEX-RN, remember that the questions can be quite specific and require critical thinking to answer correctly. Focus only on the information provided in the stem of the question, not on what has not been provided. The correct answer is there. Don’t begin to think, “But what about this? What if that happened?” “That’s not how they did it in my clinical rotation.” As you study, pay attention to questions that ask you to prioritize which patient needs your attention first. Read the choices carefully and determine which patient has the most urgent need or is the most ill. A patient-focused answer is probably correct. Questions on this practice test include the following topics: Pathophysiology, Unexpected Response to Therapies, Dosage Calculation, and Pharmacological Pain Management. Our practice tests are designed to help you improve your strategy. You can take the tests as many times as you like. Each time, the questions and four options are shuffled into a new random order. Each question has four possible answers. After you read the question, try to eliminate one or two answers. If you need help, click on the Hint button under the fourth answer, to receive a helpful prompt. When you choose an incorrect answer, an explanation will immediately appear to help you remember for the next time. You can pause the practice test at any time. Take notes or write down the question you missed. When you return to the test, it will take you to where you stopped. You can restart the test any time. Create your own learning method to help you feel confident the day you take your NCLEX-RN. We salute your decision to become a Registered Nurse!

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